Extra Life

River Rumble

Extra Life is a charitable organization that raises funds for children's hospitals through gaming marathons and events. At Champlain College, we run Extra Life yearly to raise money for our local UVM Children’s Hospital. I helped with the creation of the River Rumble, a tournament pitting teams from Champlain College against Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) in Overwatch matches to determine the superior team. Our goal was to raise $4,000 in donations, but thanks to the overwhelming support from participants and donors, we surpassed our target, reaching a total of $5,400 during the event.

What is Extra Life?

For the River Rumble, detailed event planning was key to its success. This involved close collaboration with SNHU's tournament organizers to coordinate schedules and logistics. I synchronized with other Extra Life events, aligning our tournament date to maximize engagement for fundraising.

To stay organized, I utilized spreadsheets to track details like participant information, schedules, and equipment requirements. Plus effective communication with broadcast teams ensured a seamless production, with a dedicated host and casters providing engaging commentary.

Before the event, thorough checks were conducted on all computers to ensure functionality, minimizing technical hiccups during gameplay. Additionally, ongoing communication with our Overwatch players ensured they were equipped with jerseys and punctual for the event. Through effective coordination, the River Rumble delivered a memorable experience for participants while achieving our fundraising goals.

Event Planning


In creating the graphics for the River Rumble, I utilized Illustrator to craft simple yet visually appealing designs. Keeping readability at the forefront, I incorporated the distinctive colors of both SNHU and Champlain College, while maintaining the overarching blue river theme for consistency.

The process began with gathering input from both teams regarding the heroes they wished to showcase. Using high-quality screenshots of these characters in-game, I meticulously edited out backgrounds and masked each image.

River Rumble Logo created by: Marc Davis “Yyuio”

Roster Lineup

In preparation for the River Rumble tournament, I embarked on learning how to create player stats graphics. Leveraging the player photos from an earlier photoshoot, and staying true to the thematic consistency established in the roster lineup graphics, I ensured a fluid visual experience.

This endeavor served as a valuable opportunity to delve into content creation for streams, allowing me to refine my graphic skills. Moving forward, I'm eager to deepen my understanding of integrating player statistics into graphics, with a focus on streamlining production for broadcast purposes.

Player Stats

Looking ahead, to what the future of River Rumble holds; we plan to expand the tournament to encompass various game titles, including Valorant, Rocket League, and CS2. With each iteration, we aim to rotate between SNHU and Champlain hosting the location, fostering a sense of community and friendly competition while continuing to raise funds for charities. This approach will amplify our impact as esport players by supporting worthy cause.

Future Plans


Sponsorship Proposal

In my theoretical sponsorship proposal for the River Rumble, I targeted gaming equipment companies with a proposal to support our cause by providing prizes. Emphasizing the opportunity to align their brand with a charitable event benefiting children's hospitals through gaming, I outlined various sponsorship tiers offering visibility and recognition to participating companies. By highlighting the potential for brand exposure.


Overwatch Demographics